
We extend our warmest greetings to our website and we invite you to our fellowship. Our goal is to to bless and edify you from a spirit of love and a desire to serve. 

We meet every Sabbath (‘saturday’) at 11:00am at the Ava TrueView Family Theater in Ava, Missouri. We have music until about noon, followed by a bible teaching and Pot of Blessing (‘Potluck’) meal together afterward consisting of unheated food.

209 S Jefferson Avenue
Ava, MO 65608

Phone number:
(417) 545-1519

We then take questions and comments on the study or any biblical topic in the main room, followed by by taking prayer requests. We also have planned activities such as gathering for music afterward for anyone who would like to continue in fellowship.

We have no official “statement of doctrine” other than the bible itself. We believe that we enter into a relationship with our Heavenly Father on the day that we decide to surrender completely to His will and put our trust in the Messiah for the forgiveness of sin. We are non-denominational, yet also believe in accountability to a plurality of elders. 

Our Vision:

  • Emphasis on serving our Heavenly Father and serving one another.
  • Emphasis on living the way our Savior Yahushua (‘Jesus’) lived.
  • Atmosphere of love and respect for each person’s personal relationship with the Father and their personal convictions, uniting under repentance and faith in the Messiah, along with a belief in the inspiration of scripture (Genesis to Revelation).
  • Both believers and unbelievers who join us will be still be treated with respect and love.
  • “Cliques” are discouraged, and getting to know each other encouraged.

We call the group “Shepherd’s Way Fellowship of Ava” because we want to encourage fellowship! After all, we are looking to spend eternity together.

For us, fellowship continues during the weekdays at the True Brew Coffee Shop on the opposite corner of the Ava Square. You can arrange get-togethers with those you met at our gatherings, or just drop by and you’ll find that there are usually believers there to talk to.

Tom Martincic (Minister) is available for counseling sessions after the meeting, or during the week at the True Brew Coffee Shop in Ava.

We believe in serving our young people. Plans for the future include a youth play, youth bible study, and outings such as looking for needs in the local community and going out as a group to meet those needs (such as an elderly person needing yard cleanup, etc). We are open to ideas!

Thank you for visiting our website. We invite you to join with us in our efforts to follow the Shepherd’s Way!